Tuesday, March 3, 2009

We use technology. Yay for progressive artists!

Hi all,
Kaytee and i have just been talking about how to get the meeting broadcast out to those of us who very much want to stay involved but can't physically be at the meeting. We've tested out our technology tonight, and on friday she is going to (pending approval from the admin's involved) broadcast the meeting over skype.

If you can physically be at the meeting, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE attend!
It's only an hour long, and then you'll have the whole lovely day ahead of you.

If you, like me, are stuck in another city, or for some other reason can't attend but would like to connect digitally, please:

1. make sure that you have skype installed (or if you don't, install it here - it's super easy and it's free!)

2. add kaytee (kayteenesmith) as a contact

3. send her a message on facebook or comment on this post and let us know who you are so we can make sure we have everyone connected

4. Make sure you're logged on by 7:50 this coming friday!

You don't need a video camera or anything other than a laptop or computer with working speakers. Hooray for technology!


  1. You should clarify what time zone AM/PM...

  2. Well, it's at SAES...so Eastern Standard.

    And...it's in the morning. Woooo. Bright and early!

  3. Well, as that would be about 5 AM out here, I won't be making it...I have showings of my choreography which will require sleep. Could we also be old fashioned and have someone take notes to post a summary of what happens at the meeting?

  4. Absolutely! I figured you wouldn't be participating in this one, haha. I'd say that's asking a litttttle too much. :]

    But yeah, I intend on taking notes during the meeting. I'll post them on here sometime on Friday or Saturday (I have classes and work on Friday and work all day Saturday, so it might take a second). Alex George is going to the meeting as well, so I'm sure he'll have something to say (as will Sarah and anyone else who decides to Skype).

  5. please see new post about the skype situation!
