Tuesday, February 24, 2009

a letter by way of lindsay


I, too, am the product of a creative movement program - at Greenwich Academy, in Connecticut, we all danced, we all sang, we all acted, and we all wrote poetry, because it was believed that art is simply part of any decent education - and a very important part. Whether we aspired to continue in dance, we received an integrated education that included physical learning - not just for the sake of doing something physical, but to be better scientists, humanitarians, and just plain better people. If we acknowledge Laban's belief that the world could be more harmonious if we, ourselves, conducted ourselves harmoniously in our environment, we must do more than include the study of movement as an "extra" in elementary and secondary education. It is basic to our understanding of ourselves as people who must learn to communicate with each other diplomatically and creatively - in ways that words sometimes cannot do.

Feel free to share my sentiments if you feel they're appropriate.


1 comment:

  1. This letter is by Laurie Cameron, head of the Pomona Dance Department
